Bookinat cheap airfares, car rental, cruises, traveling

The Purpose

It is the primary focus of BookinAt to provide its visitors with a one stop location on the web for their vacation planning and purchasing the best deal available on the internet. BookinAt recognizes that our clients are not interested in elaborate and complicated websites that are A to Z of travel. We focus on the essential necessities of a budget oriented traveler. Furthermore, it is our goal that our visitor will experience fast, secure, and easy to use website to find the best travel deals to fit their budget. More categories are gradually being added to the site, so make sure you come back to the site to see what's new, or you can sign up for Twitter updates

The History was launched in 2009, and in 2010, it was re-structured to include the categories that our visitors wanted and eliminate those that did not prove to be beneficial.

The Visitors

Most of's visitors consist of budget oriented, time savvy users that know what they want and are not looking for the additional “services” other websites offer.

About the Owners

The owners launched after an overwhelming experience at all inclusive travel sites. They wanted a straight forward website that focuses on a typical budget oriented user that did not want to be sold a whole vacation package. They are proud to share this ability with those users that know what they want and know where to get it.

If we can better serve you, please do not hesitate to contact us.